Saturday, 15 October 2016

Resume Article 1A kelompok 6



Lecturer :
Novianni Anggraini, M.Pd.

By (kelompok 6) :
  1. Filaili Nur Azizah                  (163221019) / 1 A
  2. Ismei Alfiah P                        (163221020) / 1 A
  3. Cahyaningtyas F P                (163221021) / 1 A
  4. Novita Dima K                      (163221022) / 1 A
  5. Jalaludin                                (163221023) / 1 A
  6. Nurul Fatkhuril J                  (163221024) / 1 A

English Education Department
Islamic Education And Teacher Training Faculty
State Islamic Institude Of Surakarta

article is a type of determiner that precedes a noun. An article is a word used to modify a noun, which is a person, place, object, or idea. Technically, an article is an adjective, which is any word that modifies a noun. Usually adjectives modify nouns through description, but articles are used instead to point out or refer to nouns. Traditionally, two articles are recognized in English: the definite article (the) and the indefinite (a/an).
The definite article specifies a particular individual in a particular context. This article is the word the, and it refers directly to a specific noun or groups of nouns.
The use on :
·         THE is used to refer to specific or particular nouns
Ex : Close the door, Please! ,
·         Superlatives.
Ex : He is the most dilligent student in my class, She is looking for the most difficult
·         Plural family names.
Ex :  The Joneses invited you to hold ladders while they hang lights, The Foxes decorated four Christmas trees.
·         Place
EX : The Restaurant, The Hospital
·         There are some illnesses which require THE.
Ex : the measles, the flu, the mumps, the bubonic plague
·         Use THE with compass directions when referring to them as special geographic or cultural regions.
Ex : The South, The North
·         THE is used before name nations which are island chains, Caountries, University
Ex :  "the Philippines", "the Maldives", "the Bahamas", etc. Additionally, in the past, THE was used with certain countries such as "the Sudan", "the Gambia", and "the Congo"; this usage is becoming less common, The England, The University of Semarang
·         There are additional exceptions to some of the above categories.
For example, THE is often used in the pattern "the ... of ...".
indefinite article
The indefinite article indicates that the following noun is a member of a class. (The indefinite article a is used before a consonant sound, an before a vowel sound). Each of these articles is used to refer to a noun, but the noun being referred to is not a specific person, place, object, or idea. It can be any noun from a group of nouns.
a/an use on :
·         The expressions "a few" and "a little" mean "some" and express the idea that you have more than expected
·         a/an is used to modify non specific particular nouns.
Ex : I have a car,  This is a lamp, You like an angel,
·         There are a few health conditions or illnesses which can be used with both A(AN) as well as THE and follow general article use. This category includes most aches, pains, growths, and attacks.
Ex : a cold, a heart attack, a stroke, a wart / tumor / growth / etc, a sore throat / sore back/ sore foot / etc, a headache / toothache / backache / etc.)
·         There are some expressions which can take both A(AN) and THE.
Ex : ( a/the whole day, a/the whole month, an/the entire year, an/the entire decade)
·         Comparative forms, such as "bigger", "better", "more" can be used with both A(AN) and THE and follow general article usage.
No article
            Don’t use any article if :
·         when generalizing about uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns.
·         articles are not used with the names of illnesses or diseases.
·         If a direction directly follows a verb, do not use an article with the direction.
Ex : north, west, southeast, left, right
·         Do not use THE with the names of most countries unless the name contains a word such as "States", "Kingdom", "Republic", "Emirates", "Union", "Coast", etc.
·         Do not use an article with:
individual lakes, individual islands, beaches, waterfalls, individual mountains (except the Matterhorn), canyons (except the Grand Canyon), people's first names, streets (except the High Street), public squares, hospitals, stadiums, malls, parks, churches, temples, universities, colleges languages, religions, days, months, holidays
·         In other time expressions, no article is used:
Ex : at night, at noon, at midnight, all day, all night, all month, every month, every year, last night, last Friday, yesterday, tomorrow.

·         The expressions "few" and "little" (without an article) mean "not much" and express the idea that you have less than expected.
·         When the words "only" or "just" are used, "a few" and "a little" also emphasize the meaning "not much".
·         This last category follows general article use.
·         This is especially important in situations where nationalities or ethnic groups and their languages might be confused. In such situations, THE is used to specify that we are talking about the nationality or ethnic group rather than the language.
·         When generalizing about nationalities or ethnic groups that end in "-ans", such as "Americans", "Mexicans", and "Hawaiians", THE is not usually used.
·         Don't use THE with states, provinces, and cities unless THE is specifically part of the name or contains a word such as "Territory" or "Coast".

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