Resume kelompok 7
Anggota :
- Devi Permata Sari A. U (163221031/PBI 1A)
- Ika Yasyinta nindy Y. (163221032/PBI 1A)
- Fadhila Afiya (163221033/PBI 1A/PBI 1A)
- Yasmin Rikhanabila (163221034/PBI 1A)
- Sinta Wahyu Wijayanti (163221035/PBI 1A)
- Falupi Femmi Isnandiyah (163221120/PBI 1A)
A noun is word that
functions as the name of some spesific thing or set of things, such as living
creatures, objects, places, actions, qualities, states of existence, or ideas.
The kinds of noun :
1.) Common Nouns:
Common nouns are used to refer to general things rather than specific
examples. Common nouns are not normally capitalized unless they are
used as part.
1.) Common Nouns:
Common nouns are used to refer to general things rather than specific
examples. Common nouns are not normally capitalized unless they are
used as part.
Example : Gadget, Jellyfish, Bridge,Architect,school,singer
2.) Proper Nouns :
Proper nouns have two distinct features: They name
specific one-of-a-kind items, and they begin with capital letters, no matter
where they occur within a sentence.
Example : Hallowen’s Day,the Suramadu Bridge,Harry Potter
3.) Plural nouns and Singular nouns
Plural nouns are words
used to indicate that there is more than one person, animal, place, thing, or
idea. The difference between singular and plural nouns is simple once you know
what to look for.
Example : Singular Plural
class classes
branch branches
beach beaches
4.) Collective Nouns
class classes
branch branches
beach beaches
4.) Collective Nouns
Collective nouns are nouns that – even when they are
inflected for the singular – refer to groups consisting of more than one individual or entity.
Examples include committee,
government, and police.
5). Feminine and
Masculine Nouns
Feminine nouns are
words of women girls and female animal . Masculine nouns are words for men
,boys,and male animal.
Example :
Feminine Masculine
Girl Boy
Mother Father
Duck Drake
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