Sunday, 30 October 2016

Kelompok 6

Penyusun :
Endah Susaeni ( 163221025 )
Bella Nurlita Wati ( 163221026 )
Mufidatun Rohmaniah ( 163221027 )
Yuli Anastasia ( 163221028 )
Anisa Nur Afifah ( 163221029 )
Richa Fauziyyah Suparno ( 163221030 )

Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
 Institut Agama Islam Negeri Surakarta

            What is a verb?
            A verb is one of the main parts of a subtence or question in English. In fact, you can’t have sentence or  a question without a verb. That’s how important these ‘’action’’ parts of speech are. The verb signals an action, an occurrence, or a state of being. Whether mental, physical, or mechanical, verbs always express activity.
                        Types of Verbs              
            Verbs Forms and Functions
            Auxiliary Verbs
            Auxiliary (or Helping) verbs are used together with a main verb to show the verbs tense or to form a negative or question. The most common auxiliary verbs are have, be, and do.
1.      Does Sam write all his ownbreports?
2.      The secretaries haven’t written all the letters yet.
3.      Terry is writing an e-mail to a client at the moment.

Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs
Ø  A regular verb ( also known as a weak verb ) forms it’s past tense and past participle by adding –d or –ed ( or in some cases –t )
E.g : 
Ask                  asked
Answer            answered
Apply              applied
Call                  called
Close               closed
Enjoy               enjoyed
Help                helped
Dry                  dried
Improve           improved
Kill                  killed
Ø  An Irregular verb ( also known as a strong verb ) doesn’t form the past tense by adding – d or – ed .
E.g :
Cost                 cost
Cut                  cut
Eat                   ate
Fly                   flew
Cost                 cost
Fell                  felt
Draw               drew
Know              knew
Keep                kept
Hurt                 hurt

Transitive verbs are action verbs that have an object to receive that action. In the first sentence above, the direct object ball received the action of the verb hit.
Here are some more examples of transitive verbs:
I baked some cookies.
I rode the bicycle.
I moved the chair.
I stitched a quilt.
All of the verbs in the above sentences are transitive because an object is receiving the action of the verb.
But what about the sentence “The bird sang.” Is the verb in that sentence a transitive verb? No, in this case the verb sang is an intransitive verb.
Intransitive verbs are action verbs but unlike transitive verbs, they do not have an object receiving the action. Notice there are no words after the verb sang.
More examples of intransitive verbs:
I laughed.
I cried.
The book fell.
The horse galloped.
The sun set.
In all of the above cases the subject is performing the action of the verb and nothing is receiving the action.

Dynamic Verb and Stative Verb
Ø Dynamic Verb is an adjective which means something is moving or changing.
E.g :  I can’t talk right now , I’m eating dinner
            Sorry , I’m outh breath brcause I’ve been running
Ø Stative Verb is an adjective which describes something as having a state or existing ( this is a  very uncommon adjective )
E.g :
Stative verb                 correct ussage              incorrect ussage
Like                             l ike you                      i am liking you
Love                            i love you                    i am loving you
Hate                            you hate me                 you’re hating me

Predicated verb or Liking verb
            Liking verb is a word or expression (as a form of be, become, feel,or seem) that links a subject with its predicate. Example :
1.      The cat is funny.
2.      The man is sitting on the plan.
3.      The old man feels lonely.
4.      The coat looks nice.
5.      Her socks smell bad.
Lexical verb
Lexical verb is also called as main verb or full verb. We can define it as “Lexical verb is any verb that is not an auxiliary verb (helping verb)”. The verb phrase used is a sentence is headed by the lexical verb.
  • He laughed.
  • They ran.
  • She danced in public.
  • He googled my question to know the answer.
  • I will have the dinner.
  • I do my homework daily on the way to school.
  • She laughed only on my interesting jokes.
  • He sings song very well.
  • He ran very slowly.
  • My class teacher scolded me.
  • He loves Chinese recipes very much.
  • I have taken a dog from obedience training.
  • I will pretend myself to be asleep.
  • I will be attending the meeting this evening next week.
  • I will buy this jacket for you.
  • I am giving haircut service for 30 years.
  • He will pick me at my home.
  • She will not bring lunch today.

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