Monday, 17 October 2016


              2. AGUNG SEMEDI
              3. INTAN WAHYU SAFITRI
              5. TITIS CAHYA BUANA
Definitions of nouns
Noun : a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action) and is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition.
        Classification of nouns 
1.Common Nouns: It’s a name given to a group of similar things or persons.
Examples: bus, train, paper, radio, cup, glass, etc.
2.Proper Nouns: It is the name of a person, place or a thing in particular. In proper nouns, the first letter is always in capital.
Examples: Harry Potter, Uncle Toni, Monday, Mother’s Day, Big Ben, Australia, etc.
3.Singular Nouns: when you are talking about just one thing or person use a singular noun.
Examples: a pencil, a book, a house, a lady, a doctor, etc.
4.Plural Nouns: use a plural noun when you are talking about two or more people, place, or things.
Examples: uncles, mountains, rivers, books, trains, etc.
3.Abstract Nouns: It is the name of a quality, action or state of a noun or we can say the name of something we can’t touch, smell, see or taste.
Examples: love, kindness, childhood, information, advice, etc. 
4.Collective Nouns: A collective noun is a particular name given to the collection of persons/ things taken together.
Examples: Family, Nation, Army, Association, Committee, team, bunch, etc.
5.Countable Nouns:The things which can be counted are called as Countable nouns.
Examples: dog, cat, animal, man, person, bottle, etc.
Note: We add “s” at the end of the countable noun to make it plural.
6.Uncountable Nouns: These are the things which cannot be counted.
Examples: Tea, Sugar, Water, Air, Rice, Work, Information, Coffee, Sand, etc.
Note: They do not have Plural Form.
7.Possessive Nouns:The possessive form of a noun expresses the ownership or belonging. It also expresses the relationships like a family relationship, where somebody stays, works or spends time.
Note: Add apostrophe and ‘s’ after a noun to make its possessive form.
Examples  - This is Mike’s bike
- These are men’s wear.
- She is Priya’s mother.
8.Masculine Nouns:Are words for men, boys and male animals.
Examples: boy, man, father, son, brother, husband, grandfather, uncle, nephew, king, prince, emperor, wizard, actor, policeman, waiter.
9.Feminine Nouns: are words for women, girls and female animals.
Examples: girl, woman, mother, daughter, sister, wife, grandmother, aunt, niece, queen, princess, empress, witch, actress, policewoman, waitress.

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