Wednesday, 2 November 2016


  1. Nunik maslakhah (163221043)
  2. Linggar Samukti Triwikrama (163221044)
  3. Sartika Sri Rahayu (163221046)
  4. Tanti Nur Khasanah (163221047)
  5. Laila Isrofa (163221053)
(PBI 1B)


A.    Common nouns
1.      These common nouns are words for things.
2.      These common nouns are words for animals. Notice that special names for young animals are include.
Animal            Its Young       
Dog                 puppy             
Cat                  kitten              
Cow                calf                 
Horse               foal                 
Sheep              lamb   
3.      These common nouns are words for place
4.      These common nouns are words for people who do certain things.
B.     Proper nouns
The names of particular peopl, place and things are proper nouns they always begin with a capital letter.
1)      these people’s names are proper nouns
Robin Hood
Muhammad Ali
2)      the names of the days of the week and the months of the year are proper nouns.
Monday           January
Tuesday           February
Wednesday     March
3)      the names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.
New Years’s Day
Mother’s Day
Veteran’s Day
4)      the names of famous place, buildings and monuments are proper nouns.
Big Ben
The Spinx
5)      the names of people who live in a particulr country are also proper nouns
country            people             
Afghanistan    afghans           
Australia          Australians     
Britain             the British.
C. Singular Nouns
            When are you talking about just one thing or perso, use a singular Noun.For example:
            a tent               a park              an idea
            a taxi               a doctor           an oven
            a house            a lady             an exercise
D. Plural Nouns
            Use a plural Nouns when you are talking about two or more people place or            things.
                    Just add a to make mostnouns plurals.
                    Singular              plural
                    a computer          computers
                    a chair                  chairs
                    a train                  trains
`Notes :
·         words called articles or determinan are used to signal nouns
a river                  an armchair                  three biscuits
a castle                an idea                         five eggs
·         the article an is used before nouns that begin with the vowels a, e, i, o and u.
an artist               an eye              an insect
an oven               an umbrella
·         the article a is used before nouns that begin with the other letters, called consosnant.
But some words don’t follow these rules.
Ø  a uniform, a unit, a user: a, not an,is used because the vowel u in these words is pronounced like the word you.
Ø  an hour, an heir, an honor: an, not a,is used because the consonant h in these words is not pronounced.
    1)         Nouns that end in s, ss, ch,sh or x, are made prular by     adding es.
    Singular          plural
    Bus                  busses
    Glass               glasses
                Dress               dresses
                2) Most nouns that end in y are made plural by changing the y                         to i and adding es.
Singular               plural
Bus                      buses
Glass                   glasses
Dress                   dresses
Branch                 branches
                                                            3)         Most nouns that end in y are made plural by changing the y to i and adding es.
                                            Singular               plural
                                            Baby                    babies
                                            Family                 families
                                            Story                   stories
                                            Teddy                  teddies
1)      nouns that have a vowel before the y are made plural by simply adding s at the end
singular            plural
key                  keys
monkey           monkeys
donkey            donkeys
toy                   toys
cowboy           cowboy
2)      many nouns that end in f are mad plural by changing the f to v and adding s
singular        plural
half              halves
leaf              leaves
shelf            shelves
wolf             wolves

but some nouns that end in f are made plural simply by adding s.
Singular           plural
Chief               chiefs
Roof                roofs
Cliff                cliffs
Puff                 puffs
3)      some nouns that end in f can be made plural in two ways
singular            plural
scraf                scraf or scrarves
hoof                 hoofs or hooves
dwarf              dwars or dwarves
wharf               wharfs or wharves
4)      most nouns that end in fe are made plural by changing the f to v and adding s.
Singular           plural
Knife               knives
Wife                wives
Life                 lives
Midwife          midwives
5)      most nouns that end o are made plural by adding s
singular        plural
video           videos
hippo           hippos
zoo              zoos

but other nouns that end in o are made plural by adding es.
Singular       plural
Tomato        tomatoes
Potato          potatoes
Hero            heroes

6)      Some nouns change spelling from the singular form to the plural.
Singular       plural
Man             men
Woman        women
Child           children
7)      The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular form.
Singular       plural
Sheep          sheep (not sheeps)
Deer            deer (not deers)
Fish             fish (not fishes)
8)      Some nouns are always plural. Trouser glasses shots spectacles.
Trousers       glasses
Shots           spectacles
Jeans            goggles

Some nouns are usually plural.
Shoes           chopsticks
Sandals        gloves
Slippers       clogs

when you are talking about different  kinds of fish, the plural can be fishes, for example:
the various fishes of the Indian Ocean.
You can use a pair of with these plural npuns. For example:
A pair of  trousers
A pair of pants
A pair of pants

1.      Collective Nouns
Words for groups of people, animals or things are called collective nouns.
a.       Here are some  collective nouns for grups of people.
A family
A team
A community
A choir
b.      Collective nouns may be used with a singular verb or with plural verb. If the group is acting as a single unit, use a singular verb. If group members are acting as individuals, use a plural verb. For example:
The crowd was orderly
The crowdbwere clapping, yelling and cheering.
Always use a plural  vrb with the collective nouns, people and the police. For example:
Those people live (not lives) in Asia. The police have caught (not has caught) the thief.
c.       Here are more collective nouns you can use for grup of people.
A crowd of shoppers
A company of actors
A class of  schoolchildren
d.      Many groups of animals have their own special collective nouns.
A herd of cattle
A flock of birds
A drove of sheep
e.       Some groups of things also have their own special collective nouns.
A bunch of bananas
A cluster of grapes
A bunch of flowers
f.       Some nouns name the amount or form of something.
A loaf of bread
A ball of string
A bar of soap
g.      The words a piece of mean a single serving  or part of something.
A slice//piece of bread
A pice/square of chocolate
 A sheet/piece of paper

Masculine and Femnine Nouns
a)      Masculine nouns are words for men, boys and male animals.
Feminine nouns are words for women, girls and female animals.
Masculine        feminine
Boy                 girl
Man                 woman
Father              mother
Son                  daughter
b)      Many nouns are used for both males and females. They are called common gender nouns.
Teacher        baby        doctor              scientist
Pupil            parent      astronaut         president
c)      With animals, there is one general word for the animal and special words for the male and the female. Sometimes the word for the male animal is the same as the geeral word. Sometimes the word for the female animal is the same as the general word.
Animal        masculine feminine
Rabbit         buck                    doe
Horse           stallion                 mare
Sheep          rame                    ewe
Pig               boar                     sow

The Possesive Form of Nouns
Use the possesive form of a noun to show ownership.
·         To make the possesive form, put an apostrophe and an s after a singular noun.
This is my bed and that is Peter’s bed.
We all like Dad’s cooking.
It’s my job to collect everybody’s plate after the meal.

v  How do you make the possesive form when two names linked by and are the owners? Put an’s after the second name only. For example:
Katy and Mike’s house is very big. (=the house that belongs to both Katy and Mike).
Joe and Sarah’s dad works at the shoe factory. )=He is Joe’s dad and he is also Sarah’s dad).
v  Sometimes two possesive forms with ‘s appear together, one after the other.
This is John’s brother’s ball. (=the ball belongs to John’s brother).

·         After plural nouns that don’t end in s, use an apostrophe and an s s’ to make the possesive form.
The children’s room is always messy.
Some people’s house are bigger than ours.
·         After plural nouns that end in s, just add an apostropke s’.
The pupils’ desks are arranged in rows.
The boys’ bedroom is bigger than the girls’ bedroom.

When a name ends in s, you can make the possesive form in either of two ways: add an apostrophe and an s s’, or add just an apostrophe.
For example:
This is James’s house or this is James’ house.
Which is Charles’s bike? Or which is Charles’ bike?


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