Tuesday, 22 November 2016

resum grammar kelompok 4 (all)

  1. RATIH PUSPITASARI  (163221090)
  2. ERNA PUJI RAHAYU  (163221091)
  3. MAKH MUDAH        (163221093)
  4. DWI WAHYUNI        (163221094)
  5. LIA SAFITRI               (163221095)
  6. DEWI FARIDA           (163221096)

A.   Noun
   Noun divisible become six there are common nouns,proper nouns,singular nouns,plural nouns,collective noun,masculine and feminine nouns.
1.     Common nouns
a.     These common nouns are word for things.
Exemple: (ruler,ship,bus,book,train)
b.     These common nouns are words for animals .notice that special names for young animals are included.    
Example :
(dog &puppy,cat&kitten,cow&calf,)
c.      These common nouns are words for places
Example :  (bank,hotel,school,office)
d.     These common nouns are words for people who do certain things
Example : ( singer,dancer,pilot,sailor,arthist)
2.     Proper Nouns  ( Noun  Distict)
a.     These people’s names are proper nouns 
Example : ( Uncle David,Aunt Diana )
b.    The names of the days of the week and the month of the year are proper nouns.Example : ( Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,January,July)
c.      The names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.Example :( New years day,Mother Day,halloween,ramadan)
d.     The names of famous places,buidings,and monuments are proper nouns
Exemple : (The Green Canyon,the Taj Mahal, the Eifel Tower)
e.      The names of people who live in a particular country are also proper nouns
.Example : (Afghsnistan&afghans,Australia&Australians,Britian&The Britis)
3.     Singular Nouns
      Noun can be singular or plural.When you are talking about just one thing or person,use a singular noun.for Exemple : ( a tent,a taxi, a park, a doctor)
4.     Plural Nouns
Use a plural noun when you are talking about two or more people places or things.
a.     Just add  S to make most nouns plural.
Exemple: (computers,chairs,trains,rivers)
b.     Nouns that end in s,ss,ch,sh or x are made plural by adding es.
Exemple : (glasses,boxes,foxes,witches)
c.      Most nouns that end in y are made plural by changing the y to i and adding es.Exemple :( babies,families,stories)
d.     Noun that have a vowel before the y are made plural by simply adding s at the end .Exemple : (keys, toys,monkeys)
e.      Many nouns the end in f are made plural by changing the f  to v and adding es.Exemple : (halves,leaves,wolves)
f.       Some nouns that end in f can be made plural in two ways.
Exemple : (scarf/scarves,hoof/hooves,dwarf/dwarfes)
g.     Most nouns that end  fe are made plural by changing the f to v and  adding S. Exemple : (knives,wives,lives)
h.    Most nouns that end O are made plural by adding S.
Exemple : (videos,zoos, kangaroos),But other nouns that end in O are made plural by adding  ES.Exemple : (tomatoes,potatoes,)
i.       Some nouns change spelling from the singularform to the plural. Exemple : Men.women,mice
j.       The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular form.Exemple : fish,sheep,deer
k.     Some nouns are always plural.trousers,glasses,shorts

5.Collective Nouns
    Word for groups of people,animal,or things are called collective nouns.
a.     Here are somecollective nouns for groups of people.
Exemple :  a family, a team, a band
b.     Groups of people :  a panel of judges, agang of thieves
c.      Group of animals : a flock of birds, a pack wolves, a school of fish
d.     Group of things : a bunch of bananas.a range of mountains
e.      Amount or form of  something  : a loaf of bread, a ball of string
f.       A piece of : a slice/piece of bread, apiece of chalk
6. Masculine and Faminime  Nouns
( boy,girl,baby,parent,fox,lion,tiger)
   Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.They gie you more information  about  people ,places,and  things
a.size of people or things : (a big house, a huge ship, a tall building)
b.color of things : ( a red carpet,a white swan, a blue uniform)
c.Quality : ( a beautiful woman, a poor family)
d. what things are made of : ( a plastic folder, a paper bag )
e.Adjectives of origin :  (A Maxican hat,the french flag, a japanese lady)
The Order of Adjectives
a.     Size,Quality,Color,Origin,Substance. Exemple :  (a small green plastic box, a stylish red italian car)
b.     Come before adjective of size.Exemple :  (beautiful long hair,elegant short hair)
c.      Always come before adjective color : (beautiful long black hair, elegant short red hair)
d.     Comes after the color adjective.Exemple : (a beautiful long black silk dress)
Adjective Endings
a.     Some adjectives end in Ful, Exemple : (a beautiful face,a cheerful baby)
b.     Some adjectie end in Ous,Exemple :( a famous writer. A dangerous job, a humorous film,)
c.      Some adjective end in y,for exemple :( a sleepy dog, a noisy car)
d.     Some adjective end in less,exemple : ( a cloudless sky,a joyless song)
e.      Some adjective end in al,exemple : ( a national flag,magicals power)
f.       Some adjective end in ic,ish,ible,able,ive,and ly: (childish talk,a fantastic singer)
g.     Some adjective end in ing :  (a smiling face,a flashlight light)
h.    Some adjective end in ed : ( a closed door,boiled eggs,wasted time )

The comparison of adjectives
The  Comperative form
   To compare two people or things,use the comperative form of an adjective. The comperative form is usually made by adding er to the adjective.
Exemple :  (Darker, harder,lower)
The Superlative Form
     when you compere three or more people or things use the superlative form of an adjective.the supperlative form is usually made by adding est to the adjective.
Exemple : ( darkest,lightest,lowest)
A.   If the adjective ends in e,add r to form the comperative and st to superlative
Comperative : Nicer,closer,larger
Superlative : Nicest,closest,largest
B .Just double the consonant and add er to make to comperative and est to make the superlative.
Comperative :  sadder,wetter,slimmer
Superlative    : saddest,wettest,slimmest
c. Suppose the adjective has two syllables and ends in y. Just change the y to i and add er to make a comperative,and add est to make a superlative.
Comperative :  easier,funnier,dirtier
Superlative   : easiest,funniest,dirtiest
d.Use more and mostto compare most other tw-syllable  adjective.you will also use more and most with all adjectives that have more than two syllabels.
Comperative : more  famous,more exciting,more beautiful
Superlative   : most famous,most exciting,most beautiful
E.Irregular comperative and superlative forms
 Dari  Bentuk Good,Bad, Little
Comperative : better,worse,less
Superlative   :best,worst,least

     Deterrminers or noun signals,are special adjectives  used before nouns. There are  different kind of determiners.
The Articles : the word a,an and the are called the articles.The word a and an are Indefinite articles. They are used  with singular nouns.Use a before nouns that begin with a consonant.Use an before nouns that begin with a vowel.
1.John is reading a book.would you like a peach?
2.Is that a dog or a fox?
3.you’ll need  a ruler and a pencil?
Some vowels have a consonant sound as well as vowel sound.Use the article a with nouns that begin with these vowel.
1.Is there a university in your town?
2.Does every child in the school wear a uniform?
3.we are taking a European  vocation this summer.
Some word begin with a silent h.Use an with nouns that begin with a silent h:
a.     We ‘ve been waiting here for an hour
b.     Meeting the presidentwas an honor for all of us.
 The word the is called the definite article.Use the before a noun when you are talking to someone.who already knows which person or thing you mean.
a.     Dad is sitting in the garden
b.     Who made the mess on the carpet?
c.      Turn the television off now.
Using Nouns Without Articles
§  When you are talking about something in general,not a particular thing,use  a noun without an article.You can also use Plural Nouns without an article.Exemple :
   a.Frog are my favorite animals
   b.Children like playing games
   c.Babies cry a lot
§  Nouns that don’t show quatity are normally used without a or an.The article the,however,may be used with nouns that don’t show quantity.
Exemple :
a.I like sunshine
b.I sometimes have fruit for breakfast
c.A clock meansure time.
Demonstrative Determiners
    The word this,that,these and those are also special pronouns called determiners.They are used to point out which thing or personyou mean.They are demonstrative determiners.

·        Use this and these to talk about things and people that are near you

Use this with singular nouns
Use this with plural nouns
Who lives in this house?
These trousers are too short
This carbelongs to my mom
I don’t like these comics
Does this key fit the lock?
I bought these apples for lunch

·        Use that and these to talk about things that are farther away from you.

Use this with singular nouns
Use this with plural nouns
This chair is mine and that chair is yours
Igave my sandwiches to those boys
The animal is making a funny nose
Those children go to a different school
How much is that dress?
Those people are from Africa
Quantifying Determiners
Words such as many,much,and several tell about quantity without giving an exact number.They are called  quantifying determiners.
¨     Some quantifying determiners are used only with plural nouns.They are few,a few,fewer,many,several and both.
-       Few people have been to the moon
-       A few children are absent today
-       I have fewer CDs than you
¨     Some quantifying determiners can be used with plural nouns and nouns that show no exact number.They are all,half,some,enough,a lot of, lots of,more,most,other,and plenty of
-       A lot of people like burgers
-       Some girls like to play football
-       All children seem to like chocolate
¨     Some determiners can be used only with nouns of no exact number.They are little (meaning not much),a little (meaning some),much,and less
-        We have little time to play
-       There’s a little rice left
-       I ‘ve got less ice cream than you
¨     Some quantifying determiners can only be used with singular nouns.They  are another,every and each
-        I need another pencil
-       He likes every child in the class
-       Each house is painted a different color
¨     The quantifying determiners either and neither refer to two people or things
-       Any dog will bite if it’s afraid
-       Are there  any good books in the library?
-       There wasn’t any space in the cupboard
Interogerative Determiners
        The words what,which,and whose are used before nouns to ask questions.Interogerative determiners appear just before nouns
Exemple :
a.     what time is it ?
b.     which boy is your brother?
c.      Whose pen is this ?
Possessive Determiners
       The words my,your,his,her,its,our, and their are used before nouns to show ownership.They are called Possessive determiners
Exemple :
a.     I gave my sandwhich to john?
b.     Is this your desk?
c.      The dog  was licking its paws.

This table  will help you remamber how to use possesive determiners:
Singular personal pronoun
Possesive determiner
I ( subject pronoun )
Me ( object pronoun)
You ( subject/object pronoun)
He ( subject pronoun )
Him ( object pronoun)
She ( subject pronoun )
Her ( object pronoun)
It ( subject/object pronoun)

Plural personal pronoun
Possessive determiner
We ( subject pronoun )
Us ( object pronoun)
You ( subject/object pronoun)
They ( subject pronoun )
Them ( object pronoun)

Transitive and Intrasitive verbs
Ø Some verb have an object. The object of a verb is the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. Look at this sentence :

Text Box: Alice
The subject does the action

Text Box: Eats 
The verb is the action word

Text Box: A banana for breakfast 
The object is affected by the action

   Here are some sentences with transitive verbs .The verbs are printed in bold and their objects are printed in bold and their objects are printed in color.
Exemple :
a.     John likes apples
b.     Sam knows the answer to the question
c.      My sister cooks all our meals

v  Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intrasitive  verbs.

Exemple :
a.     In China,lots of pe playople walk to work
b.     The boys play in the yard after school
c.      He won but I lost.

v  Some  verbs can be either transitive or intransitive.Notice that the transitive meaning and the intransitive meaning are sometimes different.
Exemple :
Transitive Verbs
Intrasitive Verbs
The pilot filies the plane very well
Eagle fly high in the sky
The boys play football on weekends
The boys play in the yard on weekends
My mom runs her own company
My mom runs in the park for fun

Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary or helping verbs, are used before infinitives to add a different meaning.For example,you are auxiliary verbs to say:
§     That someone is able to do something
§     That someone is allowed to do something,or
§     That  someone has to do something
The helping verbs are can, would, should,ought to,will,shall,may,might, and must.
Can and Could
Ø Use can and could to say that someone is able to do something.
Exemple :   1. Ben can draw really good pictures
                    2. Philip can run faster than Matt.
                    3. Can you ride a bike ?
Ø You may also use can and could to say that someone is allowed to do something
Exemple : 1. My mom says you can come to our house for dinner
                 2. Dad says i can’t walk to school on my own
                 3.You can’t go in there without a ticket

Ø Can and could are also used for asking for information or help,for offering something,and for suggesting semething
Exemple : 1. Can you tell me if this train goes to Topeka?
                 2. Could you show me where the accident happened?
                 3. Could you open the window,please?

Will and would

v Use will and would when you are asking someone to do something.
Exemple : 1.Will you please  stop making  that noise ?
                 2.Would you pass me that book,please?
                 3. Please, will you close the door?

v Something or to suggest something
Exemple : 1.Will I hold this end of the hope?
                 2.Will  I carry the bag for you ?
                 3. Would you like another drink?

Shall and Should

§  You can use shall and should to ask for advice,offer something and suggest semething.
Exemple : 1. Should I bring waterproof clothes?
                 2. Shall I go by car,or will it be better to walk?
                 3. Should I phone the police ?

Ought to

·        You use ought to to make strong suggestions and talk about someone’s duty

Exemple : 1.You look tired.You ought to go to bed early tonight
                 2. I ought to get more physical exercise
                 3. We ought to lock the door when we leave home
¨     Use must to talk about thing that you have to do

Exemple : 1. I must mail this letter today
                 2. You must speak louder. I can’t hear you
                 3.Children must not  play with matches

May and might
-       Use may to ask if you are allowed  to do semething and to tell someone that they are allowed to do something

          Exemple :1. “May i go out to play now? “Yes,you may”
                          2. May i borrow your pen ? please may i see your ticket?
                         3. May Kenny come with us to the movies?
-       Use may and might to talk about things that are possible or likely.

          Exemple : 1. Take an umbrella.It might rain
                           2. I may not have time to go swimming tonight
                           3.We might go to the party later.
·        Adverbs are words that tell you more about verbs ,adjectives and other adverbs .Many adverbs end in ly.You make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives.
Exemple : 1. She writes neatly
                 2. the traffic was moving slowly
                 3.They waited patiently to see the doctor

·        Adverb phrases are groups of words that functions as single  adverbs to describe the action of the verb.

Exemple : 1. Are you sitting in a comfortable chair?
                 2. Mr.Dickson  always dresses in fashionable clothes
                 3.He draws cartoons like a real cartoonist
Adverb of Manner
®   Some adverbs and adverbs phrases describe the way people do things.They answer the questions “ How”?
 Exemple : 1. The girls answered all the questions correctly
                  2. He was driving carelessly
                  3. The plane landed safely

A dverb of time
®   Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “when”? they called  adverbs of time.

Exemple : 1.I’m going to my new school tomorrow
                 2.The train has already left.
                 3.It rained heavily last night.
Adverbs of Place
®   Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “where”?, they are called  adverbs of place.

Exemple : 1. That’s our ball there
                  2. The live in a house nearby
                  3. The dog is in the garden

Adverbs Frequency

-       Some  adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “ how often?“  They are called adverbs of  frequency.
Exemple :  1. Katy practices the piano regularly
                  2.Have you ever been to Japan?
                  3. The shops are often very busy
Adverb Of Duration
-       Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how long?” They are called adverbs of duration

Exemple : 1. The library is temporarily closed
                  2. we waited for ages for a bus
                  3. mom was away a very long time

Adverb of Emphasis
-       We have seen that most adverbs describe verbs,but remember that some adverbs also describe adjective  or other adverbs. They are usually used to add  emphasis

Exemple : 1. Anna can run really fast
                 2.That’s a verry good drawing
                 3.My rice is too hot


  Words that show a connection  between other words.Most prepositions are little words at,in,and on.Prepostional phrases are groups of words,such as out of and on top of.
Preposition or Adverb?
     Some words can be used either as prepositions or as adverbs.If the word is followed by a noun or a pronoun, it is a preposition
Ø Text Box: My Bag
Masuknya Noun
Text Box: Inside
Masuknya pernoun
she put her hand                              


Ø Text Box: Inside        
It waas raining ,so they decided to stay

Prepositions  of  Place
§  Some prepositions show where something happens.They are called prepositions of place
     Exemple :  1. Sally was sitting under a tree
                       2. Some geese flew over their house
                       3. A big truck parked in front of their car
Preposition of  time
§  Some prepositions show when something happens. They are called prepositions of time.
Exemple :   1. School starts at nine o’clock
                   2. It’s past your bedtime already
                   3. You must finish thw work by Friday

Prepositions  of  Direction
§  Some prepositions show where something is going.They are called
prepositions of direction

Exemple :  1. The boys chased after each other
                   2. The football  rolled down the hill
                   3. A girl went past them on a bike

  1. RATIH PUSPITASARI  (163221090)
  2. ERNA PUJI RAHAYU  (163221091)
  3. MAKH MUDAH        (163221093)
  4. DWI WAHYUNI        (163221094)
  5. LIA SAFITRI               (163221095)
  6. DEWI FARIDA           (163221096)

A.   Noun
   Noun divisible become six there are common nouns,proper nouns,singular nouns,plural nouns,collective noun,masculine and feminine nouns.
1.     Common nouns
a.     These common nouns are word for things.
Exemple: (ruler,ship,bus,book,train)
b.     These common nouns are words for animals .notice that special names for young animals are included.    
Example :
(dog &puppy,cat&kitten,cow&calf,)
c.      These common nouns are words for places
Example :  (bank,hotel,school,office)
d.     These common nouns are words for people who do certain things
Example : ( singer,dancer,pilot,sailor,arthist)
2.     Proper Nouns  ( Noun  Distict)
a.     These people’s names are proper nouns 
Example : ( Uncle David,Aunt Diana )
b.    The names of the days of the week and the month of the year are proper nouns.Example : ( Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,January,July)
c.      The names of special days and celebrations are also proper nouns.Example :( New years day,Mother Day,halloween,ramadan)
d.     The names of famous places,buidings,and monuments are proper nouns
Exemple : (The Green Canyon,the Taj Mahal, the Eifel Tower)
e.      The names of people who live in a particular country are also proper nouns
.Example : (Afghsnistan&afghans,Australia&Australians,Britian&The Britis)
3.     Singular Nouns
      Noun can be singular or plural.When you are talking about just one thing or person,use a singular noun.for Exemple : ( a tent,a taxi, a park, a doctor)
4.     Plural Nouns
Use a plural noun when you are talking about two or more people places or things.
a.     Just add  S to make most nouns plural.
Exemple: (computers,chairs,trains,rivers)
b.     Nouns that end in s,ss,ch,sh or x are made plural by adding es.
Exemple : (glasses,boxes,foxes,witches)
c.      Most nouns that end in y are made plural by changing the y to i and adding es.Exemple :( babies,families,stories)
d.     Noun that have a vowel before the y are made plural by simply adding s at the end .Exemple : (keys, toys,monkeys)
e.      Many nouns the end in f are made plural by changing the f  to v and adding es.Exemple : (halves,leaves,wolves)
f.       Some nouns that end in f can be made plural in two ways.
Exemple : (scarf/scarves,hoof/hooves,dwarf/dwarfes)
g.     Most nouns that end  fe are made plural by changing the f to v and  adding S. Exemple : (knives,wives,lives)
h.    Most nouns that end O are made plural by adding S.
Exemple : (videos,zoos, kangaroos),But other nouns that end in O are made plural by adding  ES.Exemple : (tomatoes,potatoes,)
i.       Some nouns change spelling from the singularform to the plural. Exemple : Men.women,mice
j.       The plural form of some nouns is the same as the singular form.Exemple : fish,sheep,deer
k.     Some nouns are always plural.trousers,glasses,shorts

5.Collective Nouns
    Word for groups of people,animal,or things are called collective nouns.
a.     Here are somecollective nouns for groups of people.
Exemple :  a family, a team, a band
b.     Groups of people :  a panel of judges, agang of thieves
c.      Group of animals : a flock of birds, a pack wolves, a school of fish
d.     Group of things : a bunch of bananas.a range of mountains
e.      Amount or form of  something  : a loaf of bread, a ball of string
f.       A piece of : a slice/piece of bread, apiece of chalk
6. Masculine and Faminime  Nouns
( boy,girl,baby,parent,fox,lion,tiger)
   Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns.They gie you more information  about  people ,places,and  things
a.size of people or things : (a big house, a huge ship, a tall building)
b.color of things : ( a red carpet,a white swan, a blue uniform)
c.Quality : ( a beautiful woman, a poor family)
d. what things are made of : ( a plastic folder, a paper bag )
e.Adjectives of origin :  (A Maxican hat,the french flag, a japanese lady)
The Order of Adjectives
a.     Size,Quality,Color,Origin,Substance. Exemple :  (a small green plastic box, a stylish red italian car)
b.     Come before adjective of size.Exemple :  (beautiful long hair,elegant short hair)
c.      Always come before adjective color : (beautiful long black hair, elegant short red hair)
d.     Comes after the color adjective.Exemple : (a beautiful long black silk dress)
Adjective Endings
a.     Some adjectives end in Ful, Exemple : (a beautiful face,a cheerful baby)
b.     Some adjectie end in Ous,Exemple :( a famous writer. A dangerous job, a humorous film,)
c.      Some adjective end in y,for exemple :( a sleepy dog, a noisy car)
d.     Some adjective end in less,exemple : ( a cloudless sky,a joyless song)
e.      Some adjective end in al,exemple : ( a national flag,magicals power)
f.       Some adjective end in ic,ish,ible,able,ive,and ly: (childish talk,a fantastic singer)
g.     Some adjective end in ing :  (a smiling face,a flashlight light)
h.    Some adjective end in ed : ( a closed door,boiled eggs,wasted time )

The comparison of adjectives
The  Comperative form
   To compare two people or things,use the comperative form of an adjective. The comperative form is usually made by adding er to the adjective.
Exemple :  (Darker, harder,lower)
The Superlative Form
     when you compere three or more people or things use the superlative form of an adjective.the supperlative form is usually made by adding est to the adjective.
Exemple : ( darkest,lightest,lowest)
A.   If the adjective ends in e,add r to form the comperative and st to superlative
Comperative : Nicer,closer,larger
Superlative : Nicest,closest,largest
B .Just double the consonant and add er to make to comperative and est to make the superlative.
Comperative :  sadder,wetter,slimmer
Superlative    : saddest,wettest,slimmest
c. Suppose the adjective has two syllables and ends in y. Just change the y to i and add er to make a comperative,and add est to make a superlative.
Comperative :  easier,funnier,dirtier
Superlative   : easiest,funniest,dirtiest
d.Use more and mostto compare most other tw-syllable  adjective.you will also use more and most with all adjectives that have more than two syllabels.
Comperative : more  famous,more exciting,more beautiful
Superlative   : most famous,most exciting,most beautiful
E.Irregular comperative and superlative forms
 Dari  Bentuk Good,Bad, Little
Comperative : better,worse,less
Superlative   :best,worst,least

     Deterrminers or noun signals,are special adjectives  used before nouns. There are  different kind of determiners.
The Articles : the word a,an and the are called the articles.The word a and an are Indefinite articles. They are used  with singular nouns.Use a before nouns that begin with a consonant.Use an before nouns that begin with a vowel.
1.John is reading a book.would you like a peach?
2.Is that a dog or a fox?
3.you’ll need  a ruler and a pencil?
Some vowels have a consonant sound as well as vowel sound.Use the article a with nouns that begin with these vowel.
1.Is there a university in your town?
2.Does every child in the school wear a uniform?
3.we are taking a European  vocation this summer.
Some word begin with a silent h.Use an with nouns that begin with a silent h:
a.     We ‘ve been waiting here for an hour
b.     Meeting the presidentwas an honor for all of us.
 The word the is called the definite article.Use the before a noun when you are talking to someone.who already knows which person or thing you mean.
a.     Dad is sitting in the garden
b.     Who made the mess on the carpet?
c.      Turn the television off now.
Using Nouns Without Articles
§  When you are talking about something in general,not a particular thing,use  a noun without an article.You can also use Plural Nouns without an article.Exemple :
   a.Frog are my favorite animals
   b.Children like playing games
   c.Babies cry a lot
§  Nouns that don’t show quatity are normally used without a or an.The article the,however,may be used with nouns that don’t show quantity.
Exemple :
a.I like sunshine
b.I sometimes have fruit for breakfast
c.A clock meansure time.
Demonstrative Determiners
    The word this,that,these and those are also special pronouns called determiners.They are used to point out which thing or personyou mean.They are demonstrative determiners.

·        Use this and these to talk about things and people that are near you

Use this with singular nouns
Use this with plural nouns
Who lives in this house?
These trousers are too short
This carbelongs to my mom
I don’t like these comics
Does this key fit the lock?
I bought these apples for lunch

·        Use that and these to talk about things that are farther away from you.

Use this with singular nouns
Use this with plural nouns
This chair is mine and that chair is yours
Igave my sandwiches to those boys
The animal is making a funny nose
Those children go to a different school
How much is that dress?
Those people are from Africa
Quantifying Determiners
Words such as many,much,and several tell about quantity without giving an exact number.They are called  quantifying determiners.
¨     Some quantifying determiners are used only with plural nouns.They are few,a few,fewer,many,several and both.
-       Few people have been to the moon
-       A few children are absent today
-       I have fewer CDs than you
¨     Some quantifying determiners can be used with plural nouns and nouns that show no exact number.They are all,half,some,enough,a lot of, lots of,more,most,other,and plenty of
-       A lot of people like burgers
-       Some girls like to play football
-       All children seem to like chocolate
¨     Some determiners can be used only with nouns of no exact number.They are little (meaning not much),a little (meaning some),much,and less
-        We have little time to play
-       There’s a little rice left
-       I ‘ve got less ice cream than you
¨     Some quantifying determiners can only be used with singular nouns.They  are another,every and each
-        I need another pencil
-       He likes every child in the class
-       Each house is painted a different color
¨     The quantifying determiners either and neither refer to two people or things
-       Any dog will bite if it’s afraid
-       Are there  any good books in the library?
-       There wasn’t any space in the cupboard
Interogerative Determiners
        The words what,which,and whose are used before nouns to ask questions.Interogerative determiners appear just before nouns
Exemple :
a.     what time is it ?
b.     which boy is your brother?
c.      Whose pen is this ?
Possessive Determiners
       The words my,your,his,her,its,our, and their are used before nouns to show ownership.They are called Possessive determiners
Exemple :
a.     I gave my sandwhich to john?
b.     Is this your desk?
c.      The dog  was licking its paws.

This table  will help you remamber how to use possesive determiners:
Singular personal pronoun
Possesive determiner
I ( subject pronoun )
Me ( object pronoun)
You ( subject/object pronoun)
He ( subject pronoun )
Him ( object pronoun)
She ( subject pronoun )
Her ( object pronoun)
It ( subject/object pronoun)

Plural personal pronoun
Possessive determiner
We ( subject pronoun )
Us ( object pronoun)
You ( subject/object pronoun)
They ( subject pronoun )
Them ( object pronoun)

Transitive and Intrasitive verbs
Ø Some verb have an object. The object of a verb is the person or thing that is affected by the action of the verb. Look at this sentence :

Text Box: Alice
The subject does the action

Text Box: Eats 
The verb is the action word

Text Box: A banana for breakfast 
The object is affected by the action

   Here are some sentences with transitive verbs .The verbs are printed in bold and their objects are printed in bold and their objects are printed in color.
Exemple :
a.     John likes apples
b.     Sam knows the answer to the question
c.      My sister cooks all our meals

v  Some verbs don’t have an object. A verb that does not have an object is called an intransitive verb. Here are some sentences with intrasitive  verbs.

Exemple :
a.     In China,lots of pe playople walk to work
b.     The boys play in the yard after school
c.      He won but I lost.

v  Some  verbs can be either transitive or intransitive.Notice that the transitive meaning and the intransitive meaning are sometimes different.
Exemple :
Transitive Verbs
Intrasitive Verbs
The pilot filies the plane very well
Eagle fly high in the sky
The boys play football on weekends
The boys play in the yard on weekends
My mom runs her own company
My mom runs in the park for fun

Auxiliary Verbs
Auxiliary or helping verbs, are used before infinitives to add a different meaning.For example,you are auxiliary verbs to say:
§     That someone is able to do something
§     That someone is allowed to do something,or
§     That  someone has to do something
The helping verbs are can, would, should,ought to,will,shall,may,might, and must.
Can and Could
Ø Use can and could to say that someone is able to do something.
Exemple :   1. Ben can draw really good pictures
                    2. Philip can run faster than Matt.
                    3. Can you ride a bike ?
Ø You may also use can and could to say that someone is allowed to do something
Exemple : 1. My mom says you can come to our house for dinner
                 2. Dad says i can’t walk to school on my own
                 3.You can’t go in there without a ticket

Ø Can and could are also used for asking for information or help,for offering something,and for suggesting semething
Exemple : 1. Can you tell me if this train goes to Topeka?
                 2. Could you show me where the accident happened?
                 3. Could you open the window,please?

Will and would

v Use will and would when you are asking someone to do something.
Exemple : 1.Will you please  stop making  that noise ?
                 2.Would you pass me that book,please?
                 3. Please, will you close the door?

v Something or to suggest something
Exemple : 1.Will I hold this end of the hope?
                 2.Will  I carry the bag for you ?
                 3. Would you like another drink?

Shall and Should

§  You can use shall and should to ask for advice,offer something and suggest semething.
Exemple : 1. Should I bring waterproof clothes?
                 2. Shall I go by car,or will it be better to walk?
                 3. Should I phone the police ?

Ought to

·        You use ought to to make strong suggestions and talk about someone’s duty

Exemple : 1.You look tired.You ought to go to bed early tonight
                 2. I ought to get more physical exercise
                 3. We ought to lock the door when we leave home
¨     Use must to talk about thing that you have to do

Exemple : 1. I must mail this letter today
                 2. You must speak louder. I can’t hear you
                 3.Children must not  play with matches

May and might
-       Use may to ask if you are allowed  to do semething and to tell someone that they are allowed to do something

          Exemple :1. “May i go out to play now? “Yes,you may”
                          2. May i borrow your pen ? please may i see your ticket?
                         3. May Kenny come with us to the movies?
-       Use may and might to talk about things that are possible or likely.

          Exemple : 1. Take an umbrella.It might rain
                           2. I may not have time to go swimming tonight
                           3.We might go to the party later.
·        Adverbs are words that tell you more about verbs ,adjectives and other adverbs .Many adverbs end in ly.You make these adverbs by adding ly to adjectives.
Exemple : 1. She writes neatly
                 2. the traffic was moving slowly
                 3.They waited patiently to see the doctor

·        Adverb phrases are groups of words that functions as single  adverbs to describe the action of the verb.

Exemple : 1. Are you sitting in a comfortable chair?
                 2. Mr.Dickson  always dresses in fashionable clothes
                 3.He draws cartoons like a real cartoonist
Adverb of Manner
®   Some adverbs and adverbs phrases describe the way people do things.They answer the questions “ How”?
 Exemple : 1. The girls answered all the questions correctly
                  2. He was driving carelessly
                  3. The plane landed safely

A dverb of time
®   Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “when”? they called  adverbs of time.

Exemple : 1.I’m going to my new school tomorrow
                 2.The train has already left.
                 3.It rained heavily last night.
Adverbs of Place
®   Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “where”?, they are called  adverbs of place.

Exemple : 1. That’s our ball there
                  2. The live in a house nearby
                  3. The dog is in the garden

Adverbs Frequency

-       Some  adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “ how often?“  They are called adverbs of  frequency.
Exemple :  1. Katy practices the piano regularly
                  2.Have you ever been to Japan?
                  3. The shops are often very busy
Adverb Of Duration
-       Some adverbs and adverb phrases answer the question “how long?” They are called adverbs of duration

Exemple : 1. The library is temporarily closed
                  2. we waited for ages for a bus
                  3. mom was away a very long time

Adverb of Emphasis
-       We have seen that most adverbs describe verbs,but remember that some adverbs also describe adjective  or other adverbs. They are usually used to add  emphasis

Exemple : 1. Anna can run really fast
                 2.That’s a verry good drawing
                 3.My rice is too hot


  Words that show a connection  between other words.Most prepositions are little words at,in,and on.Prepostional phrases are groups of words,such as out of and on top of.
Preposition or Adverb?
     Some words can be used either as prepositions or as adverbs.If the word is followed by a noun or a pronoun, it is a preposition
Ø Text Box: My Bag
Masuknya Noun
Text Box: Inside
Masuknya pernoun
she put her hand                              


Ø Text Box: Inside        
It waas raining ,so they decided to stay

Prepositions  of  Place
§  Some prepositions show where something happens.They are called prepositions of place
     Exemple :  1. Sally was sitting under a tree
                       2. Some geese flew over their house
                       3. A big truck parked in front of their car
Preposition of  time
§  Some prepositions show when something happens. They are called prepositions of time.
Exemple :   1. School starts at nine o’clock
                   2. It’s past your bedtime already
                   3. You must finish thw work by Friday

Prepositions  of  Direction
§  Some prepositions show where something is going.They are called
prepositions of direction

Exemple :  1. The boys chased after each other
                   2. The football  rolled down the hill
                   3. A girl went past them on a bike

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